Epilepsy 1 month pack for diabetic Patients

₹ 11110.00
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Ayurveda Medicines for Epilepsy

Because Epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in brain cells, seizures can affect any process your brain coordinates. A seizure can produce: Temporary confusion, a staring spell, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, and loss of consciousness or awareness.

Saraswatharishta: Helps to improve mental activity to reduce brain disorders. It can be used by men, women, and children.
Dosage: To be taken with an equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals.

Aswagandharishta: Useful in epilepsy nervous debility and mental derangement. A nervine tonic.
Dosage: To be taken with an equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals.

Mahapaithyantakarasa: Cures fever due to bile, and jaundice.
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses. One dose twice a day with honey (or) as directed by the physician.

Suryavarthi: A result-oriented product to neutralize liver dysfunctioning.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day at your convenience.

Yogendrarasa: Gives strength to nerves, heart, and brain, enriches blood and semen, and improves the steadiness of the mind.
Dosage: 1g = 5 doses. One dose twice daily with juice of dry grapes (or) draksharishta (or) with Milk added with sugar candy.

Rasarajarasa: An infallible remedy for hysteria. This is a well-tried remedy in various manifestations of hysteria.
Dosage: 1 g = 5 doses. One dose twice daily with Aswagandharista for hysteria and with the juice of ginger added with honey for paralysis.

For better results use this ayurvedic medication for a minimum period of 3 months.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.

Product Name: Mahapaithyantakarasa
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses One dose twice a day with honey (or) as directed by the physician.
Pack size: 5g
Unit Price (₹): 165.00
Qty: 3
Total: 495.00

Product Name: Rasarajarasa
Dosage: 1g = 5 doses. One dose twice daily
Pack size: 3g
Unit Price (₹): 1000.00
Qty: 4
Total: 4000.00

Product Name: Suryavarthi
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses. One dose twice a day with honey (or) as directed by the physician.
Pack size: 5g
Unit Price (₹): 125.00
Qty: 3
Total: 375.00

Product Name: Yogendrarasa
Dosage: 1g = 5 doses. One dose twice daily with juice of dry grapes (or) with Milk added with sugar candy.
Pack size: 2g
Unit Price (₹): 1040.00
Qty: 6
Total: 6240.00

Total: ₹ 11110.00

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